Tuesday 3 May 2011

#18: Be On The Radio

You all know the story by now, Ally goes to a charity ball, Ally gets drunk, Ally buys a 'Midsomer Murders' experience and asks Greg James to go with her. Greg calls and Ally ends up making a tit of herself on national radio. Yup, another one ticked off!

Monday 4 April 2011

#94: Do a forward roll in the pool

A silly one I'm sure you'll agree but one that made me smile when I managed it, legs flailing and swallowing half the pool. I always wanted to be one of those girls who could do tricks in the water, handstands, backflips etc because of course that also meant you were one of the cool kids - at the age of 29 and 42 days, I finally became a cool kid!

Friday 15 October 2010

#90: Have a byline in GLAMOUR

I didn't think I'd be able to tick this one off the list for a very long time. It all came about by accident on Twitter, one of those happy happenstances that you don't imagine occurring in a million years. The editor of GLAMOUR, Jo Elvin tweeted that she wished all her readers could help her write her Editor's Letter for the upcoming edition of the magazine. Without thinking about it I replied saying 'If I was writing your letter, I'd advise your readers to read this hilarious blog' and sent her the link to this place.

I didn't think any more of it until she replied saying 'Get in touch, we want to commission you x' - OH MY GOD. It snowballed and then before I knew it I was out buying 6 copies of my favourite magazine to see my first ever byline and ticking another thing off my list.

Wednesday 4 August 2010

#16: Do Karaoke

I've ticked the first thing off my life list, #16: Do Karaoke.

As you'll see from the picture of my passionate warbling, I rather got into the spirit of things (or was that the spirits) and gave it some proper welly. Thanks to my lovely friend JJ who organised a girlie cocktail and karaoke night at Lucky Voice on June 16th 2010. So there we have it, I'm off the mark!